Accept It Man!

A lot of people have been asking me to do another post because they enjoyed the others so much! Thank you everyone who have read my blog and given me feedback! Xxx

This post is dedicated to ma teens out there! Don't you just HATE it when your parents can't accept the fact you've changed?? Well, here's a personal problem I have. I feel my parents don't understand the fact that I have changed and I am actually growing... Proof is I am now 5ft something, not that little 4ft 7 year old anymore. Awkward subject for most teens and their parents is that your gonna grow up eventually and to just accept it. When I was like 5 I wanted to be Barbie (I know... Embarrassing) But that was the thing about being young, you had these dreams and possibilities to be whoever and whatever. Now, I'm 13; and gonna be 14 in 2 weeks (Soo excited...I honestly don't know why though :s); I wanna be a movie director and have the best actors like Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie etc featured in my breathtaking movies. I will be recognized at big movie awards and open schools and acting and directing colleges across the UK and hopefully the US! I will show teenagers out there that dreams can come true and to make the impossible actually possible!

Sorry about that, I have a habit of rambling as I've been told several times. I don't even realize it!? My point is that parents seriously need to start making sense. I mean, you say 'act your age' but some of the 14 year olds out there are dressing in hardly any clothes and make up caked on their face going out at all hours of the night! I'm pretty sure you don't want me to act like that! Also to ma teenage girls reading this, don't you just hate it when your parents give you 'The Look' when they find out you've changed your 'MSN' (example) name to something like I love Mindless Behaviour (My ultimate favourite boy band :O) or Trey Songz or some other hot celebs! I know some adults may be raising their eyebrows here but it's true. And dressing in crop tops and leggings with your eyebrows done with all the necessary accessories 'cos it's part of growing up and you wanna look nice with all my swagger when you go out.

Sometimes I think my parents treat me like a baby or don't trust me, And Yes I know all about the streets of South London and the dodgy people but then again you find dodgy people everywhere. Here's an example of my changed ways over the years:
Fav Food
When I was 7:  Spaghetti Bolognaise
Now: Macaroni Cheese and some of dad's beautiful BBQ Ribs Mmm

Fav Drink
When I was 7: Still Fanta No Ice
Now: PEPSI <3

Fav Author
When I was 7: Jacqueline Wilson/ Enid Blyton
Now: Stephanie Meyer, Becca Fitzpatrick, Lauren Kate etc.

Fav Book
When I was 7: Jacqueline Wilson: The Story of Tracy Beaker
Now: Stephanie Meyer: Twilght Saga Breaking Dawn (Soo Awesome)

Fav Artists
When I was 7: Ashanti, Dad's Remixes
Now: Drake, Mindless Behaviour, Trey Songz, Bruno Mars etc

When Bored
When I was 7: Games
Now: Sleep B'cos I'm so bored + friends don't have credit to reply to my texts unless you're on 'BBM' or FaceBook

Hair Style
When I was 7: Two ponytail Plaits
Now: Straightened or slicked up using gel because it easy to do

When I was 7: None
Now: Mascara, Kohl (Eye Liner), Lip-gloss or Vaseline

When I was 7: Primary
Now: Secondary School which is sooo boring ;O YAWN!

Fav Channel
When I was 7: CBBC or CBeeBies
Now: VIVA or 4Music (I haven't got E! or MTV or Disney :P)

See! This is how much I've changed! And I'm gonna change a lot more so please parents out there communicate with your teens but just remember that this is the 21st century and things have changed a lot over the years so don't react drastically! Be cool!

P.S: To my Mum And Dad, I Love You Both But Seriously..... Accept it man!

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